Friday, December 28, 2018

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Since I was a kid, I used to read a lot of fairy tales and as I got older, naturally made the transition to fantasy novels. I used to read The Lord of the Rings every year during my university days. I thoroughly enjoyed the Valdemar series, Wheel of Time series (unfinished, only reached #10), Song of Ice and Fire series, Harry Potter series and so on. I generally avoided fiction as well as self-help books. I started to read outside my comfort zone around a decade ago. The fiction novels that impressed me were Cloud Atlas, 1Q84 and The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet.

In recent years, I started to read the literary classics including To Kill a Mockingbird, The Outsider, Fahrenheit 451 and The Jungle Book (finally!). I still like fantasy novels but I couldn't find any along the lines of Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings recently. I like my fantasy novels to have adventure, magic, comedy, magical creatures, heroism, epicness and without any overtly sexual content. I don't like it if the story is too dark either. So yeah, my criteria for a fantasy novel is pretty high.

Friday, December 14, 2018

When darkness runs out of fuel...

This post is in relation to my post titled "Release" (October 15, 2018).

In the end, I did not shatter the friendship. I did go on silent mode for a few weeks but I ultimately started to respond again. It may seem like I'm backtracking from what I had intended to do but that's not quite what it is. It wasn't because I couldn't do it, it was because there was no longer a reason to do it. Months after the series of incidences that had troubled me thus far, I no longer felt the anger and bitterness I used to feel. It seems that the darkness that used to swirl within me has run out of fuel. Of course, there is still a small marble-sized ball of sadness caused by the end of a close friendship but I could still continue being not-so-close friends without any sense of it being forced.

This is partly due to a quote I heard from my mom, whom in turn, heard it from her best friend (translated): "Let others be mean to us, just don't let it be us who are mean to others."


 I see fireworks, as Venus hangs low on the horizon.