Sunday, November 1, 2009

The story of Orpheus and Eurydice

Ever heard of the story of Orpheus and Eurydice? According to Greek mythology, Orpheus and Eurydice were a happy couple but tragedy struck on their wedding day when Eurydice died after being bitten by a poisonous snake. Unable to bear his grief at losing Eurydice, Orpheus decided to go to the Underworld to ask for Eurydice’s return to the world above from Hades. One couldn’t simple walk into the Underworld what with the river Styx to cross and the three-headed canine Cerberus to deal with, but due to his skill in playing the lute, Orpheus succeeded in reaching Hades. After imploring to the king of the Underworld, Hades finally agrees. He told Orpheus to return to the world of the living and that Eurydice would be following him from behind. He told Orpheus not to look behind as he left the Underworld, or Eurydice will be lost to him. Orpheus agreed and began to leave the Underworld. He could hear Eurydice following him from behind and his heart leapt. Then doubt stirred in his mind as he wondered if Eurydice would still look the same, perhaps she might look pale and wan instead. In a moment of carelessness, he looked behind and like Hades said, Eurydice was lost to him. He returned alone to the world of living and spent his days in sorrow. When he died however, he was reunited with Eurydice and together they lived happily in the Elysian fields of the Underworld.

The story doesn’t quite relate to my situation; it has a myriad of lessons ranging from how you should not meddle in the will of the gods to if you truly love someone, looks shouldn’t matter and all that, but I would always remember it whenever I feel like going back (to the past). One should never forget the past but neither should one dwell on it. One should keep moving forward and not look back, like Orpheus did.

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 I see fireworks, as Venus hangs low on the horizon.