Monday, August 23, 2010

Very Massive Star

I don’t know whether other physicists would agree with me but I feel that in physics, it’s very hard to know the limits. There are discoveries being made all the time and what used to be big may prove to be small tomorrow. When I met up with my physics buddies yesterday, they were talking about the discovery of a very massive star equivalent in mass to 300 suns but the enormity (pun intended) of the breakthrough didn’t quite hit me. I mean, Jupiter’s mass is the equivalent to that of 318 earths, so a star the size of 300 suns didn’t seem to far-fetched to me :P It is however a huge breakthrough in the world of physics because up till now, no one has found a star of that magnitude. The biggest that’s been detected before was a star with the mass of 150 suns. Anyways, what made the discovery even more significant is that my friend is part of the team that made the discovery :)

1 comment:


 I see fireworks, as Venus hangs low on the horizon.