Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Work from home?

There’s not a definitive answer on where telecommuting works best, and where it doesn’t. Anyone working at home knows that perils lurk around every corner: a sink full of dirty dishes, insistent pets, interrupting children, and the lure of distractions are everywhere. But--in different ways--these are plentiful at work too. Engineering your environment at home can eliminate many of these perils. At least one Stanford study in China found working from home increased performance by 13%, and cut attrition by 50%.

- Excerpt from Fast Company article, Want To Work From Home? Calculate How Much You’ll Save Your Company And Yourself.

I'd love to work from home but I have a feeling "insistent pets" would be one of my main challenges. It's hard enough practicing piano with Cookies constantly meowing from outside with a sad, pitiful look -__-;;

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 I see fireworks, as Venus hangs low on the horizon.